first..sorry about inconvenient...hear a lot of garbage..
I'm so confuseing about our relationship...
maybe we have to face the fact that...
you have to take care ur stdies..
you have ur plane...
you have ur misgivings...
you have the thing that u wnat to do...

and I...
I have my job..
I have my friends..
I have my family..
I have things that I want to do..

as you said that our ground is different...

but I have "you"...hope you could feel it..
when I tired of could stay with me...
and I feel so warm...

something will change..maybe said that make us grow up..

it's lot of contradiction between job and love.
when I coufuse or worry about something,
you have to listening to me, doesn't it?
but if many garbage makes you wearily.
so...drifting apart with us...
I'm so scared...but can't to avoid...

ok! let it be...I have no idea...> <

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