在大學時有手經典ㄉ歌 "同進同出" 很好聽!!

=同進同出= [2003年]

等待的人 不一定會輸
一見鐘情 未必盲目
如果拒絕擁抱 試不出彼此溫度
好好體會 有甜有苦
沒字典 沒地圖 憑直覺 找得到路
聽心跳 多急促 告訴你 人在何處
當然愛情不等於全部 別害怕給自己祝福
想要有個人 同進同出
生命曲線 起起伏伏
當然愛情會帶來痛苦 卻希望能有人呵護
同進同出 換個角度 沒有理由捨不得
甩掉孤獨 遇見真愛怎麼暪得住
除了彼此 再看不見 別的景物
聽心跳 是那個人 要抓得住
就這樣 心滿意足 明天的事何必在乎

最近他又出新片ㄌ... [Passion]
推薦一首歌=after the rain=


i want you to know
what you always wanted to tell me
i don't need to know what you're **
don't need to pretend
there's still ** anyone else no~
what you are and what you mean to me

and everyday I loved you
(just) a bit more than i should
let me do the talking
uh just let me say the truth


and after the pain comes to formal feeli
now out of love not ever again
and after the rain interpretations
here I am alone again

after the tears ** words to lies(after t
he fears **l come goodbye)
there's nothing left for me to hide
oh i believe we said the last goodnight
[end of chorus]

i want you that's all
more than anything i ever wanted
i won't be the one who's lost
don't need to pretend
there's still ** anyone else no~
what you are and what you mean to me

and everyday I loved you
(just) a bit more than i should
let me do the walking
uh just let me come to you


uh of course i've got you for a night
sometimes it's all i have

i want you
no need to explan

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